Sabtu, 12 November 2011

A Teen's Game Plan for Life

  • ISBN13: 9781933495095
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
Written with the sports fan in mind, Game Plan for Life is an “average Joe’s” guide to what the Bible has to say about such topics as relationships; finances; physical, emotional, and spiritual health; finding the right vocation; living a life of purpose; and overcoming sin and addiction. Written by 3-time Super Bowl and NASCAR championship winning coach/owner Joe Gibbs, edited by Jerry Jenkins, and featuring contributions from Randy Alcorn, Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox, Tony Evans, Chuck Colson, Josh McDowell, Don Meredith, Walt Larimore, Ron Blue, Ken Boa, and Os Guinness, the New York Times best-selling Game Plan for Life shows readers how to live a balanced, God-centered, ! purpose-filled life, using examples from Coach Gibbs’ own storied championship careers as a backdrop. This book is a perfect blend of sports and basic theology, designed to bring God’s Word home to sports fans of all generations.

Men everywhere are under attack-your neighbor, your coworker, your pastor, even your husband. And, even in Christian homes, 40% of men have fallen to this foe that can destroy marriages and ruin lives.

Who is this devastating adversary? Pornography. It floods our airwaves and PCs, assaulting the senses, and luring its prey to return again and again.

Drawing from seventeen years of counseling practice, and using material that he's taught for more than ten years, Joe Dallas is helping readers face this enemy. Equipping those who have been caught up in pornography or other forms of sexual sin with the ability to abandon that behavior and never return.

Using the acronym ROUTE-Repentance, Order, Understanding, Training, and! Endurance-Dallas walks readers through the steps necessary to! attain- and maintain-sexual integrity.

"No one understands this subject better than Joe Dallas. And nowhere is there a more biblical and user-friendly 'game plan' for Christian men committed to reclaiming moral purity. A resource no man should be without!" --Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast

"Joe Dallas has written a practical handbook for men who want to get serious about their purity. The Game Plan is the tool that answers one of the most troubling problems in the church today, and it does so with compassion, clarity, and a sound biblical base."--D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

"You may beat your demon the first time through The Game Plan or you may need it through a long season, but it's a worthy companion. Joe's advice is sound and his format is friendly."--Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family

"I can tell you without hesitation that The Game Plan is one of the best books I've ever read ! on this important topic."--Robert Adrescok, Editor, New Man Magazine

“Each member of your team has the potential for personal greatness; the leader’s job is to help them achieve it.”

Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Success presents a unique opportunity to study under the man ESPN hails as “the greatest coach of the 20th century.” Practicing character-based leadership before the term was invented, John Wooden consistently led his legendary teams to victory and has since taught countless business leaders his fundamentals for achieving and sustaining success.

Now, using this hands-on book based on the acclaimed John Wooden Leadership Course©, you can “interact” with Coach to learn and apply his philosophy of world-class leadership. This unique tutorial introduces you to his core fundamentals of success as a leader and reinforces them wit! h examples, exercises, quizzes, and quotations. You’ll le! arn how to

  • Create a relationship of respect and camaraderie with those you lead
  • Remain alert to opportunity, threats, trends, and changes
  • Act with confi denceâ€"but never arrogance
  • Practice moderation and balance in all that you do
  • Be a model of poise, grace, and reasonâ€"especially under pressure

Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Success drives home Mr. Wooden’s trademark 12 Lessons in Leadership and his famous Pyramid of Success.

When you base your leadership style and substance on Coach’s straightforward attitudes, values, and principles, you’ll lead your team and business to success the Wooden way.

Onced deemed a menace to society by a judge who sentenced him to 15 years in 1992, Randy Kearse, author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur served 13 years, 6 months and 2 days in federal prison. He returned to society with a new perspective, a fresh focus, and strong ! determination to succeed. Born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. Randy grew up in Farragut housing projects. He provides people with a formula to turn a negative situation into a positive opportunity.Onced deemed a menace to society by a judge who sentenced him to 15 years in 1992, Randy Kearse, author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur served 13 years, 6 months and 2 days in federal prison. He returned to society with a new perspective, a fresh focus, and strong determination to succeed. Born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. Randy grew up in Farragut housing projects. He provides people with a formula to turn a negative situation into a positive opportunity.

After eight books, many of them bestsellers, A Game Plan for Life was the one closest to John Wooden's heart: a moving and inspirational guide to the power of mentorship. The first half focuses on the people who helped foster the values that carried Wooden through an incredibly successful and famously principl! ed career, including his father, his college coach, his wife, ! Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa. The second half is built around interviews with some of the many people he mentored over the years, including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bill Walton. Their testimony takes readers inside the lessons Wooden taught to generations of players, bringing out the very best in them not just as athletes but as human beings. In all, this is an inspiring primer on how to achieve success without sacrificing principles and how to build one of the most productive and rewarding relationships available to any athlete, businessperson, teacher, or parent-that of mentor and protégé.

Praise for A Game Plan for Life:

"My time learning from Coach Wooden-sitting and asking him questions, soaking up his answers-has provided some of the most significant lessons in my life. Any way that you can be mentored by a giant like him, including reading A Game Plan for Life, will provide great lessons for you, too."-Pat Summitt, women's bas! ketball coach, University of Tennessee

"Few coaches have affected their players' lives so fully as John Wooden, so here's a natural question: Who mentored the mentor? Well, John Wooden is glad we asked."-Bob Costas

A new edition, The New Math SAT Game Plan features updated strategy guides, more Algebra-II topics and all of those subversive tactics that have brought higher math SAT scores to hundreds of Philip Keller's students.

"As a college professor and long-time test-prep tutor, I've evaluated the gamut of test-prep resources. This is, hands-down, the best math SAT book I've seen: clear, articulate, and accessible without being condescending. I was so impressed that I researched the author, and found out that he's won several teaching awards as a high school math and science teacher in New Jersey, which may explain this book's effectiveness: it's written by a teacher who can anticipate student questions and areas of confusion, ! not a desk jockey. After using it with a few kids, I have deci! ded to m ake it the required math text for all my student clients." --Professor Laura Harrington

The New Math SAT Game Plan will help you to learn the math you need and make the most of the math you know. It provides a clear, efficient way to approach the test, emphasizing strategy and time management, while also providing a review of the necessary math skills.

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why? Or forgotten
someone’s name right after you heard it? Maybe you’re just not thinking as clearly as you used to, and you’re growing worried. Well, have no fear. This revolutionary program can help you Improve your everyday memory up to 78%!

Prevention, America’s leading healthy lifestyle magazine, teamed
up with one of the country’s most notable memory experts, Cynthia R. Green, PhD, to create Brainpower Game Planâ€"the first brain fitness book to translate cutting-edge research into a c! omprehensive, doable, day-by-day program that promises real results.
After decades of helping to mold teenagers into adults as a highly successful football coach, including a national championship as the coach of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Lou Holtz shares a common sense message with teens in an easily understood game plan for life. He speaks clearly and persuasively to a generation that is "being asked to make important decisions that have adult consequences earlier than any previous generation." "In today's social climate," he tells them, "your ability to know how to make good decisions becomes more important than ever before." Lou Holtz is a highly sought-after speaker and author who for years has challenged and motivated adults. Now in a book that parents will want for their teen-age children he spells out his tested, proven game plan for life. Teens that want to define their life goals and then go about reaching them will want to read A TEEN'S GAME PLAN! FOR LIFE.

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